Our New Rewards Program!

by Angela Sorrentino

If you're here, that means you're interested in learning about the new rewards we want to offer to our long time customers!

Here's how it'll work:

As you order through the store (Logged into your account, of course!) it keeps track of how many orders you've placed, what you've ordered, as well as the total amount you've spent with us. Each year, we'll evaluate these records, and as you break through certain milestones of spending, you'll get a personalized discount code for you to use to enjoy a percentage off each order, no strings attached!

As an example:

Someone who spends over $5000 will receive a personalized coupon code to get 5% off every order tied to their account.

Someone who spends over $10000 will receive a personalized coupon code to get 10% off every order tied to their account. That means you won't need to qualify for bulk discount purchases to get your price break, it'll be off everything no matter what!

Someone who spends over $15000 will receive a personalized coupon code to get 15% off every order tied to their account. That means you don't have to wait for a sale, you can order whenever and get 15% off year round!

The only catch is that we would prefer you don't take advantage of this. Your code is personalized for you, so you can use it as often as you want, but please don't share it with others! (If you're a suiting company and share it with other members of the company that's fine)